Anne Hayden Harwood

The land is currently zoned Residential R15 and Residential R40, and would need to be re-zoned to Planned Unit Development — which can exceed zoned density requirements — in order for the project to go forward.

County legislators continue to disagree as the Democratic majority approves creating a local development corporation to help run the county's nursing home.

Caregivers for those on both ends of the age spectrum — the elderly suffering from Alzheimer's and the young on the autism spectrum — can sign up with police to be part of a system that will help them get home if they wander.

Currently, the town of Guilderland spends nearly $500,000 per year on electricity, and, if solar power is successful, the town hopes to save nearly $1.5 million in energy costs over the next 25 years.

A consultant said Guilderland could save 10 to 50 percent using solar energy instead of electricity, because the power would be produced locally, saving on distribution costs.

GUILDERLAND — A Schenectady man pleaded guilty, in Albany County’s Supreme Court on Friday, to driving while intoxicated, in Guilderland, a felony.

Three town leaders retired in 2013; elections were bitter as the Democrats retained power; and Crossgates Mall, the Guilderland Fire Department, and Daughters of Sarah all made plans to expand.

The Children's Hospital received $2,000 in donations after a collection jar with $300 was stolen from Hannoush Jewelers; a suspect was arrested this week.

Exercise leads to healthier life choices, according to a Guilderland grad, Joseph Bach, who helped create an app that contains more than 1,500 video-guided exercises.

An off-duty officer suffered a laceration to his wrist during the arrest, according to police. 


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