The land is currently zoned Residential R15 and Residential R40, and would need to be re-zoned to Planned Unit Development — which can exceed zoned density requirements — in order for the project to go forward.
County legislators continue to disagree as the Democratic majority approves creating a local development corporation to help run the county's nursing home.
Caregivers for those on both ends of the age spectrum — the elderly suffering from Alzheimer's and the young on the autism spectrum — can sign up with police to be part of a system that will help them get home if they wander.
Currently, the town of Guilderland spends nearly $500,000 per year on electricity, and, if solar power is successful, the town hopes to save nearly $1.5 million in energy costs over the next 25 years.
A consultant said Guilderland could save 10 to 50 percent using solar energy instead of electricity, because the power would be produced locally, saving on distribution costs.
Three town leaders retired in 2013; elections were bitter as the Democrats retained power; and Crossgates Mall, the Guilderland Fire Department, and Daughters of Sarah all made plans to expand.
The Children's Hospital received $2,000 in donations after a collection jar with $300 was stolen from Hannoush Jewelers; a suspect was arrested this week.
Exercise leads to healthier life choices, according to a Guilderland grad, Joseph Bach, who helped create an app that contains more than 1,500 video-guided exercises.