Archive » March 2024 » Editorials

Investing in child care is popular, good politics, and good for the economy.

We’re not going to apply a harsh term to the four zoning board members who voted against the halal market. Rather, we would encourage them along with the residents who spoke out against the market to get to know their Muslim neighbors, to sample their food, to understand why halal is important to them, much as keeping kosher is important to some of their Jewish neighbors.

Noah Zweifel’s job is not an easy one. He does it with care and insight, and manages to write with grace.

The retirement of Maria Buhl and Kim LaPlant from their decades of work at the Guilderland Public Library have nothing to do with the controversy caused by the Café con Mel’s accusations of racism.

Sometimes, when swimming in the Sea of Knowledge, it is necessary to tread water. Rather than jumping to conclusions, we need to have more information.