Archive » January 2024 » Editorials

Westerlo Supervisor Matthew Kryzak says, “Everyone knows in order to be successful you need to have a plan and work to that plan.” Everyone, that is, but the grasshopper or perhaps the sunshine politician.

For the Albany-Schenectady-Troy area, 85 percent of seniors cannot afford assisted living, calculated at $75,000 annually, and 84 percent cannot afford daily home care, calculated at $43,000 for care and combined with the cost of living totals $68,000.

In 2022, New York state recognized the communal importance of old barns when it enacted a program that offers owners of historic barns a state income tax credit equal to 25-percent of qualified rehabilitation costs. Some towns in our area have also instituted incentives to encourage the preservation of old barns. These incentives need to be publicized and used if we are to preserve the important history told by our barns.

We carry with us people we were close to, even after they are dead.

In an era when editorial cartoonists are becoming a rarity, The Enterprise is fortunate to have one of the best.