Archive » December 2021 » Editorials

As we look at the words in our obituaries, we recall the people we talked to, sharing their love — sometimes fierce, sometimes stoic, sometimes gentle.

The first spoken words of Spike Lee’s “Do the Right Thing” are: Waake up! Wake up! Wake up! Up ya wake! Up ya wake! Up ya wake!

It’s a bugle call of consequence.

And the bugler is the morning radio-show host Mister Señor Love Daddy — at We Love Radio, 108FM “the last on your dial, but first in your hearts.”

Local governments are the closest to the people they serve and therefore the most attuned to their needs.

We’ve observed over decades at The Enterprise that it can sometimes take years to bring about meaningful change. But we commend those who are taking the steps to lay one brick at a time to build a better world.

After an asbestos-cement water main broke in Altamont this fall, no tests for asbestos were performed so the federal regulation is meaningless, since there is no way to know if it should be enforced.