Archive » August 2017 » Community news

GUILDERLAND — Two events last week honored Major General Harold J. Greene of Guilderland, who was killed in Afghanistan on Aug. 5, 2014.

NEW SCOTLAND — The State Employees’ Federal Credit Union is working with Wildwood Programs to grow more produce at Wildwood Farm for emergency food programs. With a grant from SEFCU, Wildwood will give 3,000 pounds of produce — an increase over the former 2,000 pounds — each year to hungry families in the Capital Region

Local school districts have released the income criteria for students to qualify for free or re­duced-price lunches. They have the same standard, based on family size and income.

B’nai Sholom Reform Congregation in Albany welcomes the Capital Region community for the High Holy Days with complimentary attendance at all services and by adopting Mishkan HaNefesh, the new prayer books of Reform Judaism for the Days of Awe.

The Regional Foodbank of Northeastern New York Inc. of Albany has received $4.7 million as one of 45 food relief organization statewide that got a total of $36.5 million.

GUILDERLAND — Thanks to the support of our animal-loving community, service dog Nash’s large veterinary bill has been paid in full.

Special thanks to our entertaining band, The Blue Stones; our providers Jim W., MaryJean T., Sue F., Syron’s and Sidoni’s Market; Ann and Erica M. For the fun and fabulous fried dough.

KNOX — Liam Hanley, a Boy Scout in Troop 1079, has achieved the rank of Eagle Scout. For his Eagle Scout project, he built and installed three Take-A-Book, Leave-A-Book Libraries — one for each of the towns of Berne, Knox, and Westerlo. The libraries are located at each of the town halls.
