Archive » December 2011 » News

BETHLEHEM — Susan Leath said she “had a moment” when she stood in a Barnes & Noble bookstore, faced with a wall of Arcadia books in the Images of America series, each a compendium of pictures for different communities.

Rheumatologist says patients will stand behind him

GUILDERLAND — A doctor accused of sexual harassment says he is not concerned about his reputation or the fate of his practice.

County proposes cutting all funding for Soil and Water Conservation

ALBANY COUNTY — After Shirley Morey’s Berne home flooded from Tropical Storm Irene, she called several government agencies for help and was frustrated by the lack of response.



GUILDERLAND — A piece of property in Guilderland contains so much mercury it has been placed on the federal Environmental Protection Agency’s National Priorities List, meaning it is one of the most contaminated sites in the country.
