NEW SCOTLAND A young driver and her passenger died last week after her car crashed into a barn along a stretch of road where many accidents have occurred.
RENSSELAERVILLE At its first board meeting of the year, Rensselaerville’s town clerk looked up the definition of "nepotism" in a dictionary and read it to a large crowd at Town Hall.
KNOX As the town board considers two sites for a cellular tower, residents and officials voiced concerns and asked questions Tuesday at an informational meeting.
On Jan. 16, New York State was committed, by court order, to a strict schedule for compliance with federal voting regulations. Yesterday, the State Board of Elections deadlocked.
By Zach Simeone VOORHEESVILLE Who would be responsible if environmental clean-up were needed on the old Delaware & Hudson railroad" The United States and Canada disagree on the matter.
NEW SCOTLAND As the local federal Farm Service Agency is slated to merge with another county office, legislation that is pending in Congress is keeping it from closing its doors.
ALBANY COUNTY Jonathan P. Francis, a lawyer who waged a standoff in May with police after threatening suicide, was disbarred last week since he pleaded guilty to a felony charge.