Pat and Paul give ‘politics’ a good name
To the Editor:
I would like to take this opportunity to thank two wonderful people who will unfortunately be leaving their positions on the board, Pat Slavick and Paul Pastore.
Both Pat and Paul share many traits: Both are extremely intelligent, highly educated, and have served our town for many years. They both also got onto the board to make a positive difference in our community, and they have.
Most of all, these two people give “politics” a good name. They're not in it for power or glory, and they would never resort to attacking their opponents or doing anything underhanded in order to advance themselves.
In fact, right to the end, both Pat and Paul showed their sterling characters: Although Pat knew she would be leaving the board, she still devoted many hours to campaigning with candidates. And, as for Paul, he could have easily waged his own campaign after losing in the primary, but he didn’t.
I know I’m not the only one who holds Pat Slavick and Paul Pastore in such high regard.
In closing, I’d like to add a personal note: They are two people I feel honored to know and so very fortunate to call my friends.
Cindy Wadach