Campaign contributors should be disclosed
To the Editor:
What would be helpful to Guilderland town residents and your readers is for The Enterprise to publish political contributions the supervisor and town board members have received from developers and related parties building in the town of Guilderland — especially this Costco/apartments development.
I am aware it is not illegal to receive these contributions, but they should be disclosed before voting on approvals to avoid any conflicts of interest.
Gerard Ryan
Editor’s note: The Enterprise typically reports on campaign contributions as part of election coverage, as we did this year with the local State Senate and Assembly races. Guilderland had no town races this year. Earlier, in 2018, for example, we reported that Michael Shanley, managing partner with Pyramid, and his wife, Lyn Shanley, together donated a total of $1,500 to the Democratic ticket over the period from March through November 2017.