Altamont Enterprise Nov. 30, 1917


The East Berne Red Cross branch is busy sewing and knitting. They will give a “night cap” social in the Lutheran church hall on Dec. 8. Each lady must make two caps, one to be sold, and the gentleman purchasing the one like she is wearing must be  her escort for refreshments. The proceeds are for the Red Cross work.


— Ten above zero Sunday morning, the first real cold weather of the season.

— About 12 o’clock last Wednesday night the barn buildings on the farm of Byron Warner were burned to the ground. Mr. Warner was first awakened by a restless child. Seeing the glare he thought it was from a passing auto, but was soon undeceived. Hastening out, he succeeded in saving his horses and cows. Hay and grain, including ten tons of pressed hay, and all his farming implements were consumed. The pressed hay had been sold and was only waiting for a car to be delivered to the buyer. The cause of the fire is unknown. This is a time of year when a little kindness from friends and neighbors in the way of some hay or grain would be very much appreciated by any one in a like position.


The people about here will soon be butchering and laying down their meat for winter use. Jay Westfall butchered his pigs on Monday.


— The parsonage of St. John’s Lutheran church has been wired for electricity. Some of the rooms are undergoing repairs by F. S. Lape, who has the job of painting and papering.


Sale of hand-painted china.

Small pieces suitable for Christmas gifts. Apply Mrs. George Weaver, Altamont.


To all farmers, and every man and woman voter interested in preventing the farmers of New York from becoming the victims any further of the political and monied sharks of New York city, and in power at Albany! Federation of Agriculture throughout the state is being organized! Your support is needed! Governor Whitman has literally “slapped the farmers of this state in the face and kicked them down the steps,” by refusing to appoint a single farmer on the Board of Agricultural Regents, after promising them to do so! Take warning in time. This board has vast power over the farmer and his operations. It must not be permitted to operate unchecked, for when the farmers’ interests are jeopardized, the great masses of the people must also suffer! All that is needed is your unqualified support; a postal card stating that you endorse the movement will do.

This federation will insure that full justice be done in the interest of farmers and producers in the markets, in the administration of local, county, and state affairs, in politics and economics, without distinction of race, creed, wealth, or party. Send your postal today to the Albany County representative, Mrs. M. Merritt, Voorheesville, N. Y., R. F. D. 1.


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