More art classes would be an antidote to too much screen time

To the Editor:

I am Esteban Casabianca Arango, a student at Farnsworth Middle School, and I think another session of art classes should be added during the school year instead of having it just for 10 weeks.

One session only is not enough. I know of a lot of people who would love to have a second session of art classes. I am not suggesting that we should have art twice in a row, but have them twice in a year.

This way, the teachers can make new ideas and students can enjoy new techniques and learn about artists, as much as I do.

Also I think that we don’t need two sessions of technology, when we have so much screen time already throughout the day. This may just be me but, whenever I look at a screen for a long time, I get a headache, and when that happens, I don’t do my best work.

Please consider this option for the benefit of the students who like me, love Art.


Casabianca Arango 


Editor’s note: Esteban Casabianca Arango and Olivia Mair voiced their request for more art classes at their school, Farnsworth Middle School, to the Guilderland School Board on Nov. 19.

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