We entrust village board to apply sensitivity
To the Editor:
As the village of Altamont moves toward future decisions to be made regarding our commercial area, we recognize that change is inevitable.
Some change can be managed and some we have very little control over. Some change can alter the character of the village in irreversible ways.
Trustee [Nicholas] Fahrenkopf obviously has a sensitivity for the character of the village and its heritage as evidenced by his successful efforts to help keep the Altamont Elementary school from being closed down. This would have irreversibly altered the character of the village.
We entrust him and all the board members to apply that same sensitivity to the danger of irreversible change of character to the village with the current Stewart’s expansion plans. One of the big selling points of Altamont is the elementary school. Another is the architectural heritage and character of the village. To lose either is to irreversibly alter what makes Altamont, Altamont.
I hope that the mayor and the trustees show sensitivity to the Helderberg neighborhood and our unique business environment by keeping the house zoned residential with the desired result that Stewart’s plans create a store that is architecturally and size-wise, appropriate to the Village of Altamont.
Carol Rothenberg
Editor’s note: Carol Rothenberg is a member of Concerned Severson Neighbors; she owns the property next to 107-109 Helderberg Ave. and lives in the Victorian house there.