If you are better off after two years of Democratic leadership, you are a member of a very-well off minority of Americans
To the Editor:
Congratulations to the voters, and to the victors in Tuesday’s elections! With all of the votes that will be cast, despite Democrats’ hopeful predictions of voter intimidation and suppression, it seems that Republicans have convinced a record number of Americans to vote for change. Indeed, “we” Americans “are the ones we’ve been waiting for,” to quote the man that many had hoped would be America’s “first post-racial president.”
If you are better off now, after two years of Democratic Party leadership from the White House and both houses of the national legislature, enjoy your status as a member of a very-well off minority of Americans. If you are not, then you probably voted for the party that fought a civil war to free Democrats’ property, slaves. Of course, those defeated Democrats then formed the Ku Klux Klan, to terrorize the people whom had been freed by Republicans.
The Taliban, now in possession of the hundreds of millions of dollars of American military equipment abandoned by [President Joe] Biden’s military during his chaotic and deadly withdrawal from Afghanistan, agree with the minority of Americans who believe that Biden’s withdrawal has improved their own lots. Of course, those Afghans who died trying to escape the Taliban's Afghanistan, cannot opine on whether they believe their lots have been improved by Biden’s withdrawal.
With affordable energy now being a fond memory to struggling American families, and with winter setting in, Russia and OPEC [Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries ] sure do seem to be profiting verily from the president’s “day one executive orders” to reduce our supply of affordable energy. Biden has made us more dependent on our potential enemies for the energy we need to move food to markets, and ambulances to hospitals. Those Americans, who find themselves better off while others are having trouble paying to heat their homes for survival, are an exceptionally wealthy and a truly fortunate minority ….
While a very wealthy and well protected minority of Americans still want to defund the police, the people who have to deal with the lawlessness wrought by Democrats defund-the-police madness, want to fund the police. And they want the police to protect them from the lawlessness and violence that result from Democrats’ defund madness. Those who can afford their own private security, may not be able to understand why others want the police, but their ignorance does not excuse the stupidity of their defund nonsense.
OPEC’s decision to reduce energy production, which has sent the price of fuel up across America just in time for Election Day, was made after President Biden begged them to increase production. OPEC’s demonstration of respect for President Biden, was clear, unmistakable, and heard around the world. OPEC sure did not respect president Trump this way, when he forced energy independence on Americans to OPEC’s detriment.
Regarding the lies that a former president allegedly told, Bill Clinton’s lie, under oath in a legal proceeding, was one lie which we can all agree is a lie, under oath in a legal proceeding. Multi-millionaire Obama’s “white folks’ greed runs a world in need” lie is another untruth that we can all agree is despicable — and racist.
Edgar Tolmie
Editor’s note: Northern Democrats as well as Republicans fought for the Union during the Civil War. President Joe Biden followed through with the troop withdrawal from Afghanistan arranged by then-President Donald Trump. Bill Clinton lied about an extramarital affair; Donald Trump, among over 30,000 lies or misleading claims documented by The Washington Post during his four years as president, continues to lie about winning an election he lost.
Your quote, falsely attributed to Barack Obama by Sean Hannity, is from a sermon by Rev. Jerimiah Wright that Obama referenced in his book, “Dreams for My Father”: “It is this world, a world where cruise ships throw away more food in a day than most residents of Port-au-Prince see in a year, where white folks’ greed runs a world in need, apartheid in one hemisphere, apathy in another hemisphere…That’s the world! On which hope sits!”