I’m for Dan. We need to treat each other as neighbors
To the Editor:
Whenever someone not on "the Hill" asks me where I live and I tell them Knox in the Hilltowns, the response is usually something like, "Oh, what a beautiful area; it's so nice up there!" And it is.
Anybody who has ever driven from Albany to Clifton Park at rush hour can certainly appreciate the slower pace and singular quality of life in this beautiful rural community so close to the heart of the Capital District. This is a great place to live and to raise a family.
I’ve known Dan Hanley for close to 10 years, and I believe he understands and appreciates the value of our community and would do a great job as a Knox Town Board member. Dan's a sincere and levelheaded guy who will try to do what's best for Knox and consider issues on their own merit.
I also trust him to make decisions on the future of our community and believe that Dan will treat everybody, whether he agrees with them or not, with the dignity and respect they deserve. From my experience of living here for 30 years, despite all the political differences we might have, we all share the common thread of all being Hilltowners and need to treat each other as neighbors.
We need to have government that understands just what it is that makes this such a great place to live.
So I’m writing to ask you to join me in supporting Dan Hanley for Knox Town Board!
Tom Payne