Knox Nursery School kids pick pumpkins, sing songs, hear their hearts beat
KNOX — The Knox Nursery School has been in full swing since Sept. 11. We have nine 2-year-olds who meet Tuesday and Friday from 9 to 11:15 a.m. Our eighteen 3-year-olds meet Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday. The morning class runs from 9 to 11:15 a.m. and the afternoon class is from noon to 2:15 p.m.
Most of September was spent with getting the children acclimated to their surroundings, the daily routine, and their teachers. Understandably, there were tears, especially with the 2-year-olds; however, by the third week all had completely subsided.
The program for 2-year-olds consists of inside free play, story time, craft time, snack time, outdoor play as the weather permits, and music time. They quickly decided their favorite songs are “Wheels on the Bus” and “Animal Action.”
Our 3-year-olds follow a similar schedule. Their craft project is generally associated with a book read during story time. Each Wednesday is ‘letter day” when we focus on the alphabet. Our journey through the ABCs takes us most of the year.
October was filled with lots of experiences. The 3-year-olds took a field trip to the Pick a Pumpkin Pumpkin Patch. A hayride to the fields to pick a pumpkin and an ear of Indian corn were highlights of the adventure.
Later in the month, two members of the Knox fire company brought a firetruck to the school and talked about fire safety. Turning on the truck’s siren and lights was the best!
The Helderberg Ambulance Squad with three of its members stopped by the school and gave the kids a “tour” of the ambulance. They got the opportunity to listen to their hearts, have their blood pressure taken, and have a ride on the stretcher!
The 2-year-olds had fun with their October color weeks. For three weeks, we focused on a color. Week One was red; Week Two was blue; and Week Three, yes, it was yellow. The kiddos wore the color, if possible; did crafts with the color theme in mind; and participated in lots of color activities.
The school has an opening in the program for 2-year-olds and several openings in the afternoon program for 3-year-olds. For more information, please call the school at (518) 872-2010.