Altamont Enterprise October 26, 1923


— Mr. A. D. Gallup was brushed by a passing automobile the other morning on his way to the store, and tipped over on the hard macadam. His right hand was bruised considerable, and his right knee twisted and strained. Dr. Cullen was summoned and reassembled the parts and at this writing he is much improved. He declares however that he will not pay for any damage that may have been sustained by the car that hit him, or any other car that may take a crack at him later, because everybody should know by this time that he is using that road every morning about that hour. 

— Georgie C. Northrup has a small brother. 


Mathias Saddlemire and William Sand saw three deer in Mr. Sand’s field on Monday. 



Little Marguerite Howd, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert N. Howd on Adams Street, who was run down by a truck and suffered a fractured skull and jaw, is slowly improving at the home of Dr. Thomas M. Holmes, where she was carried after the accident. For the first few days the doctors held out no hope but now say that if no further complications set in they expect a full recovery. 



Leroy Crounse held a husking bee at his home last Saturday when the neighbors all turned out to assist. 



Isaac Cross celebrated his 90th birthday, October 16th. His nephew, Adam Cross of New York, came up for the occasion. Mr. Cross is in the best of health and is looking forward to his birthday next year. 



The news room and ice cream parlor of Mrs. A. Secor on Main Street, Altamont, has been purchased by William Teeling of New York, who will take possession on Nov. 1st. 

Under Mrs. Secor’s management the business has increased; a new dining room having been added and a new soda fountain installed during the past year. 



Clinton Luckey of West Township was busy this week harvesting his wonderful crop of Green Mountain potatoes from the field just beyond his house. He must have over 100 barrels from a little over an acre, and the potatoes run quite large. A sample which Mr. Luckey brought to the Enterprise office weighed two pounds. 


Hunter gets big game at Schoharie 

While Dr. Kenneth McDonald of Albany was hunting rabbits last week along the Schoharie creek an animal which had been frightened by his dog crashed through the bushes and plunged into the water. The Doctor thinking that the animal was an unusually large and ferocious looking woodchuck took aim and and fired and on retrieving his game found that he had killed a fine otter. This is the first otter seen at Schoharie in many years. 



While walking in the road Sunday Jonas Brooks was hit by an automobile driven by Commissioner Keith of Albany and knocked down. Mr. Brooks suffered slight injuries to his leg and arm. 

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