What is the culture of the school district?
To the Editor:
What took so long for Dr. [Marie] Wiles [superintendent of Guilderland schools] to hear Black students speaking up on their instances of perceived racism in our school district? This walkout is on the heels of the Asian students giving the district their statements on treatment in our school district.
What is the culture of the school district? Is it hostile at multiple touchpoints? What is going on?....
An Amazon wish list of school supplies from a Pine Bush Elementary teacher, K.S., includes a book for young students named, “A Bad Case of Tattle Tongue.”
As a supporter of free speech, I would never suggest a book be banned and I am not saying the book should be banned. I am questioning the decision of the district and its teachers to use a book as a way to teach and discourage young, impressionable students from coming forward and speaking up because it could be tattling.
I strongly believe that, when a book on tattling is used to instruct young children about “tattle tongue,” it is a slippery slope. I worry that a young child may be discouraged from speaking up and that silencing of communication has the potential to lead to a toxic school environment and much more.
Are teachers afraid to speak up?
We learned our teenagers of color apparently needed to find safety in numbers to speak up and walk out or do others in leadership think the students were just tattling?
Christine Duffy
Editor’s note: See related editorial.