Dan thinks outside the box to find solutions

To the Editor:

As chairman of the New Scotland Planning Board, I am pleased to endorse my fellow board member Dan Leinung for town board. I have known Dan for several years and personally seen how he approaches complicated and contentious issues that have come before the Town of New Scotland Planning Board.

Dan listens to the applicants; does his own research; and takes a measured, thoughtful approach to applications before the planning board by balancing the wants and needs of the applicant with the potential impacts on the town as a whole. Dan is extremely well prepared and always ready to offer suggestions that would help alleviate the concerns of the board while keeping the applicant’s needs and resources in mind.

Dan also volunteered to serve on the New Scotland Hamlet Development District Study Committee to draft much-needed updates and changes to the town’s zoning law for the commercial area of routes 85 and 85A. The work that Dan and this committee has completed will ensure that the area that was once destined to become a big-box mega-mall will instead meet the goals of the town’s comprehensive plan and become a walkable hamlet-style area with small local businesses, mixed-use residential, connections to the rail trail, and significant natural and open space.

After reading several recent letters to the Enterprise editor from misinformed individuals about how “unfriendly” the town is toward small businesses, I would like to point out that the New Scotland Planning Board recently approved a very successful new restaurant in Feura Bush, and just approved two new small-scale commercial developments adjacent to the Stewart’s on Route 85 and behind Stonewell Plaza at the corner of routes 85 and 85A.

The “Kay” development site has sat vacant for decades and Dan and the board worked with the developers and the public to ensure that this new commercial development meets the needs of the developer while maintaining the small-town character of New Scotland. Hopefully, this new commercial development will act as a catalyst to spur additional redevelopment of the area and provide further opportunities for local small businesses to flourish in New Scotland while still maintaining the small-town character we all cherish.  

Dan is an independent person who thinks outside the box to find solutions. With all of the new residential and commercial development pressure being placed on the town, we could really use Dan’s practical, responsible, and objective approach on the New Scotland Town Board to balance the need for smart, sustainable growth while maintaining New Scotland’s unique small-town character.

On Nov. 7, please consider voting for Dan Leinung for New Scotland Town Board.

Chuck Voss, chairman

Town of New Scotland

Planning Board

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