Watch the candidates’ forum before voting

To the Editor:
I would like to thank The Altamont Enterprise for hosting the candidates’ forum last Monday evening. The recording is available online on YouTube at

I would urge every single voter in this town to watch before voting, and to get out and vote! Local voting is just as important or more so because this is what governs our daily lives in our town. This is what matters on a daily basis.

After watching the forum and reading the article in the paper [“Guilderland elections: Four vie for two town board seats,” Oct. 11, 2023], I feel compelled to make a few comments about what candidates had to say.

First, as the chair of the Guilderland Coalition for Responsible Growth, I was part of the subcommittee for Housing and Neighborhoods for the Comprehensive Plan Update Committee. This subcommittee started out with six members and was increased to nine members. Why, I have no idea.

In the end, only seven members remained. One member could not make a commitment due to other obligations and told the committee this. The second person was Gustavo Santos. Mr. Santos showed for two meetings, and contributed nothing to what we were discussing.

To make a claim as part of his campaign that he served on this committee is disingenuous at best. I also find it very inappropriate for a candidate for the town board to be appointed to this committee when, in the end, he would be voting on the final plan!

Second, all of these subcommittee meetings were open to the public, in a public location. Each week’s meetings, times, and places were listed in several places; the GCRG newsletter, Mr. [Supervisor Peter] Barber’s weekly newsletter, and on the calendar on the town website.

Not one candidate for office ever came to any of the Housing and Neighborhood meetings. We had at least one or two town residents who attended most meetings, but no candidates.

In fact, we have not seen Ms. [Jaime] Ralston or Dr. [Brian] Sheridan attending any of the bimonthly Comprehensive Plan Update Committee meetings. We have seen Mr. Santos and Mr. [Jacob] Crawford at one or two.

If they are so concerned about the number of apartments, where parks are going, and traffic, why haven’t you voiced these concerns to this committee? This was your opportunity as a resident and a candidate to have a discussion about these things.

Given this, some of the information that candidates mentioned in the forum is not wholly accurate. For example, the subcommittee did discuss accessory dwelling units, but the focus of the discussion was not that it would be geared toward seniors, but more to affordable housing for all. There was a lot more to this conversation that folks are not aware of.

There were statements made about the pine-bush burns and use of chemicals in the pine bush. Do you know why there are controlled burns? Do you understand that a small, controlled burn is far better than an uncontrolled fire? Do you understand the ecology of the pine bush and how it is managed? Have you ever been to the pine bush or have a true understanding of exactly what we have in this town?

As far as the chemicals are concerned, have you spoken to anyone at the Pine Bush [Preserve Commission] to gain an understanding of what exactly they are doing, when and why? You also need to pay attention to how the Pine Bush manages invasive species.

Do you honestly believe they would poison an environmental gem such as this or poison anyone’s drinking water? I think if the time were taken to explore the answers to these questions beforehand, you would not be making the claims you are. I strongly suggest you investigate before making these unfounded claims.

The discussion about planting trees etc. was a good one, but again, if you were actually aware of what the town is doing, you would know we have a committee (Tree Preservation Committee) devoted to this and some very knowledgeable folks who can do exactly what you are suggesting.

I would hope that candidates would make more accurate statements regarding the important issues we face rather than just assuming when you may not have all of the information. I also believe that, if you are going to run for office, it is helpful to at least attend town meetings and show your interest in the town.

Robyn Gray


Guilderland Coalition

For Responsible Growth

Editor’s note: Gustavo Santos responded on his attendance at the subcommittee for Housing and Neighborhoods meetings, “I went just to listen to what the committee was doing. I wanted to know what the committee was about.”

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