Altamont Enterprise October 17, 1924


Fatal Auto Accident At
Berne Last Sunday 

An automobile accident causing the death of one man and injury to several others occurred Sunday evening near Berne, on what is known as the Sawmill bend. A touring car driven by William H. Rockenstyre attempted to pass a sedan when another car was approaching in the opposite direction. In attempting to get back in line Rockenstyre’s machine plunged through the guard rail and down an embankment into the millyard and overturned. 

In the car besides the driver were Mr. and Mrs. John Atkins, Miss Groesbeck, Mr. and Mrs. Gifford and their children all of Glenmont. They were taken to the residence of W. T. Chesebro and were attended by Dr. William Pomeroy. 

Mr. Atkins died about an hour after the accident and Mrs. Atkins suffered a broken right leg. The others fortunately were only more or less badly bruised. 

Informal Dance 

Friday, Oct. 17 

On Friday evening, Oct. 17th, a dance will be given at the Masonic hall, Altamont, for the benefit of the Altamont baseball club. Dancing will begin at 9 o’clock, and music will be furnished by the Arcadians, one of the best five-piece orchestras in Schenectady. The admission fee will be 50 cents. The public is invited to attend. 


— The last trip of the Hudson River Day Line steamers for the season will be made by the steamer “Robert Fulton” on Monday, Oct. 20th, leaving Albany for New York. 

— Mr. and Mrs. Eugene D. Gardner have been passing a few days in New York, having won the trip through purchasing roofing of the firm of Salm & Varden, of 232 Central Avenue, Albany. The firm exhibited at the Albany-Schenectady County fair, held at Altamont last month. 

— The October meeting of the Women’s Missionary society of the Lutheran church was held at the home of Mrs. Fred White last Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Morton Makely told an interesting and instructive story entitled “Eyes Like the Sky.” Mrs. Sidney Crounse gave the 23rd Psalm interpreted in the Indian sign language. 


The first killing frost of the season came on Tuesday morning. Ice was formed in some places. WEST BERNE 

— Don’t forget the Hallowe’en festival in the M. E. church hall, Friday evening, October 31st. A cordial invitation is extended to all. 

— Miss Mae Schoonmaker will entertain the members of the W. B. R. C. next Tuesday evening, at the residence of George Bellinger in Gallupville. A “Backward Party” will be the form of the gathering. All attending will enter backward, wearing coat and hat backward. Greetings will also be exchanged backward. One of the prominent features of the evening will be a backward spelling match. 


Don’t forget to find out whether or not you are registered. It means that you can’t vote if you are not registered. Any new voter in the election district, come on Saturday the 18th, or send in your name by some reliable person to the inspector of election. Don’t let the new voting machine keep you from voting on November 4th, as there will be instructions given to all who have never voted with a machine. 

More Back In Time



    The Loyal Temperance Legion was reorganized on Monday afternoon, September 29th at the school house. The superintendent, Mrs. Martha H. Harding, was in charge. 



    –As a result of the opening of the hunting season guns are cracking in all the woods in this vicinity. 

    –The high water did considerable damage along the Schoharie flats by washing away oats, corn, alfalfa and buckwheat. 

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