Why are we short on coins?
To the Editor:
No one seems to have a clear answer why we are experiencing a coin shortage.
Banks have told me they do not know — that the United States Mint has fewer employees due to COVID. Stores seem clueless and blame it on COVID, too.
This seems preposterous and possibly some corporations want us to become a cashless and therefore more traceable society. If anyone knows the real factors, please tell us.
Folks, please empty your jars and piggy banks and bring the coins to a coin machine or a bank or use them. Only then we will see what is really causing this issue and hopefully it can be resolved
Arlene Shako
Editor’s note: The coin shortage resulted from “the partial closure of the economy,” according to testimony given by Jerome Powell, the Federal Reserve chairman, to the House Financial Services Committee on June 17. Also, the U.S. Mint decreased staffing because of the coronavirus pandemic.