A few on the Knox board should either resign or work with Vas for the betterment of the town
To the Editor:
Almost one year ago , we left Knox after residing there for over 25 years. Part of the reason was due to the non-developed business district, watching the general store and post office building decay with nary an interest in developing it.
Another venture on the Township Road started under much confusion with nothing on paper to give legitimate right to exist at new location, while within a mile in either direction there were functioning businesses.
The town was dying, in my opinion with no impetus from private businesses, and town government was listless in doing anything to stimulate a rebirth. A relatively new guy who had a successful run at the Berne-Knox-Westerlo School District threw his hat into the ring and was voted in as town supervisor.
Early on in his new post, he invited town citizens to tour some of the town's buildings with him and some areas observed were downright neglected by the past town supervisor, bordering health issues in some areas.
Now, Vas Lefkaditis is getting flack from the others involved in Knox's future and, if what I read in The Enterprise is correct, and I believe it is, even though Mike Hammond has ridden off into the sunset and the golden boy resigned and is tending his lumber mill, there are a few bodies on the board who for the betterment of Knox should either resign or work with Vas for the betterment of the town. He may be brash but already the business district has vas-tly been improved.
John Kilcher