How can we ascribe bad motives to another?
To the Editor:
I am appalled and dismayed by the levels of hatred, discord, and divisiveness in politics, locally and nationally. I would like to take as cases in point, the local leaders, present and former in the Hilltowns and lump them with our national leaders, present and former and the current candidates.
I simply do not believe and cannot understand anyone who does believe that any one of them hates their country or constituency. I disagree with many of them on many things and that some of them have done things that were wrong, disgraceful, or terribly mistaken.
I do, however, believe that each of them is a person who is doing a public service, with the best of intentions, to the best of their ability and believes that the course that they are taking is the one which is the best course for the conditions as they see it.
How can we ascribe bad motives to another? We simply do not know what those motives actually are. Each and everyone of them deserves the benefit of the doubt. Calm down, people!
Ralph Miller