I was abruptly terminated without explanation

To the Editor:

I am writing to address the residents of Berne.

I wanted to take a moment to thank you as your recycling coordinator, supervisor of the Albany County Summer Youth Program, parks commissioner, Building and Grounds superintendent, and town cleaner.

Last Wednesday, I was terminated by Kevin Crosier through an Albany County Sheriff's deputy. This was abrupt and unexplained.

I've enjoyed the Saturday small-talk and the friends I've made at the transfer station. Equally important were the respectful relationships with co-workers, at the town’s highway department, library, senior community center, and Switzkill Farm Board.

I look forward to seeing you all, around our beautiful town, in the weeks and years ahead.

Scott Green


Editor’s note: Berne’s supervisor, Kevin Crosier, confirmed that Scott Green performed the tasks for the town that Green described in his letter although Crosier said the titles weren’t accurate. Green started working part-time for Berne two years ago and then was hired by the town board this summer for a full-time job.

Crosier also confirmed that he fired Green last Wednesday and that a sheriff’s deputy was involved.

He declined to give the reason for Green’s firing, saying only that it was “based on Mr. Green’s actions” and that Crosier himself, as opposed to the town board, made the decision “based on talks with our labor-relations consultant,” Michael Richardson with whom the town has worked for 15 years.

“The rumors I’ve heard are off-the-charts incredible, almost like the Salem witch hunt,” said Crosier, referencing accounts he’s heard of the firing but which he declined to describe. He said witnesses at Town Hall would back up his account but declined to name them.

Scott Green referred questions about the firing to his lawyer, Matthew Griesemer, who also declined comment. Green is the partner of Timothy Lippert, Berne’s zoning and building administrator.

See related story.

— Melissa Hale-Spencer

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