GOP plan would create jobs without raising taxes

To the Editor:

A GOP plan to create a sustainable source for economic development initiatives in Albany County, without raising taxes, was shot down by the Democrat majority in the Albany County Legislature on Sept. 9.

Resolution 493 was defeated, 23 to 11, with all 10 Republicans and one Democrat supporting the plan.

The plan would use annual payments Albany County receives from the Schenectady casino to finance the initiatives. The casino is required by law to send money to neighboring counties affected by the casino.

The plan would allow millions of dollars to be spent on economic development in Albany County without any new taxes.

At a time when Abany County is swimming in money, this was a missed opportunity to enhance job-creation efforts and increase tourism without any tax hike.

Instead, Albany County Democrats are intent on hiking the hotel tax that will raise taxes and provide far less in funding for economic development.

Mark Grimm

Ranking member

Finance Committee

Albany County Legislature

Editor’s note: Mark Grimm is a Republican representing District 28, which includes five election districts in the Carman Road area of Guilderland and one election district in South Colonie.

In 2024, the projected commercial gaming revenue for Albany County was $2.45 million, according to the resolution.

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