Voorheesville Cares holds food and supply drive on Saturday

VOORHEESVILLE — “The Coronavirus pandemic is still with us and your community needs your help,” said Gary Kubitz, pastor with the First United Methodist Church of Voorheesville who organized a coalition to help the community when the coronavirus pandemic first hit.

“As we move into the fall season, and with schools opening up with all kinds of new procedures, coupled with budget limitations, the Voorheesville Cares coalition is working to help our schools and our community through a food and supply drive.” 

The food and supply drive will be held on Saturday, Sept. 12, from 9 a.m. to noon at the First United Methodist Church at 68 Maple Ave.  All food collected will be given to area food banks with the intent of helping families in need.

Also, as a part of this drive, the following items are requested, to be used by the Voorheesville school district in an effort to make the learning atmosphere as safe as possible:

— Disposable face masks;

— Hand sanitizer, personal or regular size. (There’s a list of sanitizers to not use that’s rather extensive on the Food and Drug Administration website);

— One- or two-gallon size ziploc bags;

— Wipes;

— Brown paper bags;

— Plastic acrylic dividers for tables;

— Face shields;

— Disposable ice packs;

— Disposable gloves;

— Alcohol swabs; and

— Lysol spray disinfectant.

“Please help us by getting the word out about the drive, and by making any donations you can on the 12th to help our community continue to weather the storm during this challenging time,” said Kubitz. “We thank you in advance for your compassion and generosity.”