Altamont Enterprise September 5, 1924


Saturday was a great day at Altamont fair grounds, it being the occasion of the annual Farmers’ picnic under the auspices of the Albany County Farm Bureau. The attendance ran up into the thousands and with such ideal weather the picnicers had a wonderful time. 

There were contests of all sorts for the young folks, the pillow fight for boys seeming to be one of the most interesting. 

Boys pillow fight was a draw between Donald Sturges of Altamont and Robert Dearstyne, Albany. Prizes, a baseball and a knife. 

The horseshoe pitching contest for the silver loving cup won last year by a team from Berne occupied the attention of the men, and was won again by Wright Brothers of Berne.     

Features That Count At
Bi-county Fair 

In ten days more the great event of the year will open at Altamont — the Bi-County Fair, September 15 to 18 — and this year’s event will be one that takes another step forward toward the goal of making this fair as “big as two fairs.”
The night show and the dog show are two of the new features that we anticipate will go over with a rush and establish themselves as permanent parts of this exposition. 


A Chevrolet touring car belonging to Willard Teeling was partially destroyed, in front of Whipple garage, Saturday night. Mr. Teeling was going to Schenectady and came to the garage for gas. The tank overflowed and a quantity of gasoline ran from the tank to the ground. Charles Henion, who was to accompany Mr. Teeling to Schenectady, lighted a cigar and threw the match on the ground, igniting the gasoline and setting the car afire. The upholstery and top were completely destroyed. Several men extinguished the fire before the machinery was ruined. 

Augustus Williamson has purchased a fox hound of L. C. Smith of Ithaca. 

One of the camps was entered, Monday in the early afternoon, while the owners were away and a watch and college pin taken. 


Earl Henion had the misfortune to fall from a pear tree and break his collar bone. A speedy recovery is hoped for by his many friends. 

Mrs. Eva Stoneburner will have ice cream for sale every Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday through the remainder of the summer season. 


Altamont High school began the school year on Tuesday, Sept. 2nd. The registration in the High school is larger than it has been in several years past. The total academic registration makes up a list of 81 students. Of this number 46 are nonresident academic pupils and 35 are resident academic pupils. The school also has several out of town pupils attending in the graded department. 

A total of 121 students are registered in the graded department, from grades 1 through 8.

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