Knox incumbents are all talk and no action
To the Editor:
Change is possibly upon us finally!
I’m glad and thank the people that supported Vasilios Lefkaditis for supervisor of Knox at the Democratic caucus. It really is no surprise that, when a possible challenger arises, they run into panic mode and keep the caucus hush-hush.
If you have to write a letter to the newspaper, stating that your caucus was not a coronation, then it definitely was a coronation. The people that supported Vas realize that we need new and fresh ideas to save this town and the current incumbent doesn’t offer any of those, not even close!
The current incumbents in Knox claim to be champions of change and growth in the town yet I haven’t seen any. Oh, maybe they meant change as in businesses and people leaving and raising our taxes!
During the last election for supervisor, when Pam Fenoff was scaring the boots off the incumbents, they started touting how they would do this and that and they claimed they helped us all in the town. Now two years later, we see that was just election talk.
As soon as it was over, it was back to the status quo of do nothing and say little. Where are the businesses? We need someone who is actively trying to help our town become a better place to live.
We have the potential to unlock new opportunities for current and possibly new residents here in little ol’ Knox but that isn’t going to happen if we keep voting in the same people that are all talk and no action. I’m tired of living in a town I feel ashamed of because of the lack of leadership and action.
I am excited that Vas has stepped up to the challenge, bringing with him experience from many different sectors that will help guide his decision-making. He has helped keep Berne-Knox-Westerlo a stellar school district and worked hard to keep the tax levy increase as close to zero as possible.
He is dedicated to helping others and it is obvious he isn’t going to be sitting on his hands or twiddling his thumbs if elected. He wants real progress for Knox and I feel he will deliver. No more false promises.
Although I am a Republican, obviously, I say with enthusiasm and excitement: Vas for Knox!
Josh VonHaugg