Altamont Enterprise August 22, 1919
Soldiers from Guilderland Center and Vicinity Who Served in Recent War, Entertained Last Friday Night at Helderberg Reformed Church.
One of the most delightful events of the season took place Friday night at the Reformed church, Guilderland Center, when the Red Cross branch of that place gave a banquet in honor of the soldiers from that vicinity who were engaged in the recent world war. Covers were laid for two hundred and eighteen. Camadine’s orchestra from Schenectady rendered an excellent program of music during the event.
The banquet hall was appropriately in red, white and blue. The service flags from both churches of the village were in evidence, back of the table of honor. The tables which seated eight, were decorated with the New York State flower, the golden rod, and baskets of fruit. Favors were tiny American flags.
Those seated at the “Honor Table” were Major Frank H. Hurst and wife, Lieut. F. Chandler Moffett and wife, Lyman Schuer of the U. S. navy; Private Wesley Hart, Private W. Patterson and Rev. and Mrs. E. O. Moffett.
Mrs. A. E. Foote filled the role of toastmistress. She especially called upon those present to rejoice in the fact that there was not a single gold star in the Guilderland Center service flags.
Street Commissioner W. J. Ogsbury has been engaged for several days cleaning up Maple avenue and other streets about the village. To facilitate the work of sweeping a small two-horse sweeper is being used to clean the middle of the street. This is something the village has been in need of for many years.
Monday morning Alvah Barton, who had been in the hospital at Albany several weeks passed away aged sixty-six. He was a life long resident of Barton Hill and had a large circle of friends who will sorely miss his kindly greeting. He loved children and was a friend to all. He leaves three sisters and an aged mother. The funeral was held at his late home Thursday at 2 o’clock. Interment in Barton Hill cemetery.
Farmers’ Picnic August 23.
The annual Farmers’ picnic of Voorheesville Grange No. 910, will be held in the Grove hotel grove at Voorheesville on Saturday, August 23. There will be free dancing on the platform in the afternoon. Good music will be in attendance. Refreshments will be served. Let every one come and enjoy the day.