Altamont Enterprise August 18, 1916.
… E. G. Crannell has again booked the motordrome for the midway this year. This feature was decidedly popular last year and attracted most of those who attended the fair. It consists of a huge wooden bowl with almost perpendicular sides around which automobilists and motorcyclists race at top speed. At times the machines are riding along a perpendicular section at the top of the bowl. Other midway sets which will be shown on the platform in front of the race track and grand stand follow: The Four Aerial Belles, four pretty girls in a trapeze act direct from New York Hippodrome; the Braggar Brothers, outdoor German comedians, and Tedesca and Tedesca in a clever bicycle and tumbling act.
Card of Thanks.
I wish through the columns of the Enterprise to thank all who kindly remembered me with a post card shower during my stay at the Albany City hospital. I received 88 cards.
Miss Ella M. Becker.
Dr. G. E. Shoemaker, optometrist, of Cobleskill, will be at the new Mattice hotel, on Wednesday, Aug. 23, next week, to examine eyes and furnish glasses. Hours, 10 to 3. Call early.
Card of Thanks.
We desire to express our sincere thanks and gratitude to our friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted us after our loss of our home by fire.
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Jensen, Berne.
William, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eli Secor, is recovering from injuries received while raking hay. He stepped out on the pole of the rake to kill a large fly that was tormenting one of the horses, when the animals started to run. He was thrown under the rake but fortunately escaped serious injury.
—Pangburn Brothers have recently completed a new concrete platform and steps leading to Loucks’ meat market, taking the place of the old wooden structure which was much decayed by time and weather. The improvement is a very substantial piece of work and will last a life time.
—An open air suffrage meeting, under auspices of the Altamont Suffrage Club, will be held Saturday evening of this week at 8 o’clock, at the corner of Maple avenue and Main street. Well known speakers have been secured to address the meeting. The public is cordially invited to attend.
The filling in of the ditch with crushed stone on the New Scotland state road in the vicinity of the driveway leading to the D. & H. depot and in front of Odd Fellows’ hall is a fine improvement over former conditions.
Ten Years Ago. (Aug. 17, 1906.)
The village trustees have passed an ordinance making it a misdemeanor with a fine of $25 for fast driving or running an automobile over eight miles an hour through the streets of this village.