Berne Historical Society celebrates its museum’s golden anniversary

To the Editor:

It’s a celebration! An event! A reason to pause and give recognition to the founders with a vision. The vision of a future that preserves the history of our past.

 You are cordially invited to join us as the Berne Historical Society commemorates the Berne Museum’s 50th anniversary. 

In 1970, long-time community resident Alberta Wright rallied a group of like-minded people to create a space for displaying memorabilia of Berne’s history. Their grand opening on Nov. 11, 1970 materialized just a few short months after sparking the idea.

A provisional charter was issued to the Berne Historical Society and Museum on Sept. 24, 1971, with their absolute charter being granted by the Regents of the University of the State of New York on Feb. 22, 1974 with 103 charter members.

It’s a privilege to share this celebration with you. On Sunday, July 21, from noon to 5 p.m., please join us at the Berne Town Hall located at 1636 Helderberg Trail. Make history and memories with us as you enjoy museum tours, ice cream, raffles, prizes, and whatever else ensues.

Sandra Stempel Kisselback


Berne Historical Society

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