Join us for ‘15 Miles on the Erie Canal’
To the Editor:
The Berne Historical Society is making a splash at Berne’s Senior Center for its 7 p.m. meeting on June 25. A musical performance journey, “15 Miles on the Erie Canal,” is an invite to listen, move, and learn.
Joining forces with the Berne Public Library, the Erie Canal’s story continues to paddle along. The Bells & Motley show, sponsored by the Berne Historical Society and Stewart’s Shop, is a life size kick-off for the library’s summer reading program. Old-time instruments, character portrayals, and familiar music of the era spotlight the evening.
An April Historical Society and Berne Library talk, by Dr. Bruce Dearstyne, exploring Erie Canal legend and lore wrapped a three-week Erie Canal exhibit enjoyed by 120-plus visitors at the library. Imagine the grit and rigor of digging a bulk of “the ditch” by hand.
Calling out to Berne Historical Society members, community and Berne Public Library supporters to attend this family event of historical significance. No shovels required.
Sandra L. Stempel
Berne Historical Society