Music enables me to express my emotions

To the Editor:

My name is Benjamin West and I am a freshman at Berne-Knox-Westerlo. Throughout my elementary, middle school, and high school career, I have been involved in the music program within our school. I play trombone in the school band.

For those who may be unaware, every student in the music program is able to take time out of their school day, once a week, to practice music with one of our music teachers. This music that is rehearsed is performed twice a year at a holiday and spring concert. The school’s music program also performs a musical each year in March.

The part of music that I love is how I am able to push myself independently, as well as within a group. I have performed solos in front of judges to be graded upon through my two New York State School Music Association performances.

I also had the opportunity to participate in the All-County Band performance this past winter. These opportunities demonstrate how I have worked to perform the best I can on my own, as well as within a group. 

I also love how music enables me to express my emotions in a way other than with words. I have long struggled to talk about my feelings but music allows me an output for my emotions to be released.

My involvement in the music program has had a great impact on me in both my academic and personal affairs. I look forward to band rehearsals when I have them.

Music is important to me because it allows me to have a separate goal, outside of academics and athletics, to push myself to a higher level. This allows me the opportunity to place myself in challenging situations in order to better myself. 

I believe that music has a place within BKW and all schools because it provides an opportunity for all students, if they choose, to have a different outlet and goal to push themselves towards. This program allows for the student that may struggle in the classroom to have a reason to come to school everyday.

It allows students to have a connection to their peers and a chance to provide for the community through performances. I hope that you all consider this when voting on next year's school budget.

Benjamin West

BKW freshman

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