Cather fan alerted to her short stories
To the Editor:
I really appreciated the opinion piece by Mike Nardacci on Willa Cather. I had no idea that she wrote short stories and I’m certainly looking forward to “A Wagner Matinee.”
Five years ago, Sherry and I made a cross-country journey, primarily on Route 20 but with some side trips. One of these side trips included Red Cloud, Nebraska, which was Ms. Cather’s home.
The town operates economically on farming but Willa Cather is a cottage industry. It is truly worth the trip to go to this community and view the influences on Ms. Cather’s life.
I have become a big fan and, in addition to now re-reading “My Antonia,” I have also read “O Pioneers,” and “Death Comes for the Archbishop” as well as “The Song of the Lark.”
I will look forward to reading her short stories now.
John Haluska