VFW Loyalty Day welcomes home our Vietnam heroes
To the Editor:
The Boyd Hilton Veterans of Foreign Wars and Auxiliary along with District 3 VFW, will be hosting our 26th Loyalty Day on Saturday, May 14.
This year we are welcoming home our Vietnam veterans. We welcome all Vietnam Veterans to come and be a part of our event.
The program steps off at 2 p.m. at the Boyd Hilton VFW Post located on 11 Mill Street in, Altamont. The Patriot Guard Riders will stand a flag line in honor of our Vietnam veterans.
There will be flags and citations given to area residents and businesses who fly their flag daily. We will have the winners of our Loyalty Day and Patriots’ Pen Essay Contest read their essays.
We will honor members of our community and our VFW Post and Auxiliary for their dedication and support of helping our veterans.
Please call (518) 470-7310 if you have any questions or if you have a color guard that would like to participate.
Refreshments will be served following the program.
All are welcome.
Darlene Stanton
Loyalty Day chairwoman
VFW Auxiliary