We must protect, preserve, and further grown our library
To the Editor:
As a high school student, I spend a lot of time at the Guilderland Public Library, studying, working on projects, and it’s a convenient place to meet with friends. The library has close ties to the community, it’s a way that allows people from all over the community to unite together. It’s important that we protect, preserve, and further grow the connections the library serves to the community.
The board of trustees, associated with the Guilderland Public Library, have agreed to approve the budget for operating on the library for the 2017-18 years.
This project has a planned budget of $4 million dollars. This is based on a tax levy of $3.7 million. This means there will be an estimated cost of $1.18 per $1,000 of assessed value for residents of Guilderland. The estimated cost is only a $0.03 increase from last years rate of $1.15 (The Altamont Enterprise). Even though the library’s planned budget seems like a large sum of money, after all the factors are put into place, the amount is extremely low. The outcome will better the library, and will be in effect for many years to come.
The library is a place where many people congregate; a large percentage of those people are children. The library should presumably be a safe environment for those children, and parents should feel comfortable knowing their children are safe.
Tim Wiles, the library director, told The Altamont Enterprise that the library board would like to install a sprinkler system, for the first time. This is a very troubling issue. The Guilderland Public Library was constructed in 1992 and has never had a sprinkler system installed and needs more emergency exit windows.
These upgrades will cost an estimated $541,000. Having a sprinkler system, and exit windows installed in the library would ultimately save lives if a fire-related emergency were to occur.
The upgrades are necessary for the library. These addition will last for many years, and create a safer environment for the people who visit the library and should be supported by the community.
Liana Alford