Raises $2K. PTA village-wide garage sale a success
To the Editor:
Thank you so very much to all those in our community who supported the Altamont PTA Village-Wide Garage Sale held on Saturday, May 4. Your $20 goes a long way for our students at Altamont!
Between our participating sales (including those who were too late to get on the map but still made a donation!) and monetary donations from local businesses, we raised over $2,000 — every cent of which will benefit our students at Altamont Elementary School!
I’d also like to extend great thanks to the parents who helped me: Michelle Sanchez, Leanne Royer, Melanie Shatynski, and even a past AES parent: Amber Brate.
Countless hours go into planning this event and your help made it all possible. Thanks also to the Village of Altamont Public Works, the Altamont Police Department, The Altamont Enterprise, Enterprise Printing & Photo, the Altamont Free Library, the Altamont Elementary School office staff.
My apologies if I'm forgetting anyone and I look forward to our 2020 Garage Sale Day.
Jen Hausler
Garage Sale