Hardy volunteers keep Altamont Green and Clean
To the Editor:
A chilly, damp, and windy morning did not stop Altamont Community Tradition’s annual Green and Clean on Saturday, April 27. While the weather was not favorable, we had one of the best turnouts — about 30 hardy volunteers.
We appreciated the participation by local residents, the ever-dependable Boy Scout Troop 264, as well as ACT members and friends.
The event gave Altamont’s new village gardeners, Frank Losito and Sue Sanders, a helping hand as the parks need plenty of TLC when spring arrives. Raking, shoveling, and moving mulch gave all the volunteers a good morning workout.
Longtime resident Keith Lee knows Altamont’s parks well, and has been offering excellent guidance to the new gardeners, as well as the Green and Clean volunteers.
In a previous exhibit presented by the Altamont Village Archives and Museum, Keith stated: “Public parks are integral to the development of a shared community, providing a place where citizens meet, interact, share experiences, and enjoy recreational, cultural, and other activities found in no other venue.”
Altamont’s parks are a delight, and it brings a sense of satisfaction to our volunteers, as they see their hard work admired and enjoyed by our neighbors and visitors. ACT is pleased to coordinate this annual event to provide an opportunity for residents to contribute to the care of our village.
Many thanks to all who joined us.
Connie Rue
Community Tradition