Berne, where is your sense of outrage?
To the Editor:
Berne, where is your sense of outrage? The town board failed to illegally demote Emily Vincent to alternate status on the town planning board in order to appoint a convicted felon — as chairman no less.
The town board now has a new and even more devious plan: Increase the membership on the planning board from five to seven so there is room for the convicted felon who could then assume the chairmanship.
The felon in question is an ex-judge who was sentenced to 27 months in prison and stripped of his license to practice law. The town planning board handles subdivision requests and variances to town regulations. It also has a role in upholding the town’s comprehensive plan.
The planning board presently has no chairperson although members of the planning board had previously nominated an experienced member for the chairmanship. The town website, by the way, still lists said felon as chairman.
The purpose of the plan is clear.
Berne, where is your sense of outrage?
Richard J. Ronconi