Thank-you to those who help keep Altamont’s parks beautiful
To the Editor:
Beautiful sunshine and cool temperatures welcomed Altamont Community Tradition’s annual Green and Clean event on Saturday, April 21. This year’s event introduced Altamont’s new village gardeners, Freda Bates and Megan Kelly. ACT sends best wishes to former gardeners, Ann and Deb, as they begin their new endeavors.
ACT members and friends “dug in” to clear flowerbeds and lay fresh mulch, as perennials are peeking through for another year of beauty. ACT sends out a big thank-you to Girl Scout Troop 1306 and Boy Scout Troop 264! Both organizations eagerly raked, filled wheelbarrows, and collected debris in a determined effort to get the parks in shape for the coming year.
Altamont’s parks are a treasured part of our community as they provide an enjoyable atmosphere for residents and visitors. Our community volunteers recognize the importance of our parks, and we are honored to join with them in keeping our village beautiful. Many thanks to all who participated.
Connie Rue, secretary
Altamont Community Tradition