We look forward to a better Berne
To the Editor:
We would like to express our concern for the horrific treatment of Jean Guarino, deputy clerk, in Berne. Jean has served for some number of months in her capacity as deputy clerk with efficiency and respect for the residents of Berne.
Jean was unilaterally fired from her position by Anita Clayton, Berne town clerk, two weeks ago. [“Former deputy clerk alleges she was fired over Dem affiliation,” The Altamont Enterprise, April 15, 2021]. This coming immediately after Jean decided to run for town clerk, and accept the Berne Democratic Committee’s nod.
Anita Clayton is clearly incapable of setting her political views aside from her role as human resources clerk. The vengeance shown to Ms. Guarino has been seen before in Berne Town hall, in recent years, towards other hourly employees.
Berne has had a string of vacancies under [Supervisor Sean] Lyons’s and Clayton’s tutelage; in fact, Berne has hired three building inspectors, one planning and zoning clerk, and a deputy clerk — all in one week, to fill these vacancies ...
We ask that Supervisor Lyons and the town board initiate an ethics investigation into Clayton’s behavior as described in the employee handbook. Things can’t be as rosy as stated in the planning board chair’s letter to the editor [“Hard work and dedication is hallmark of Berne boards,” The Altamont Enterprise, April 15, 2021].
We look forward to a better Berne, for all the residents, in the future.
Tim Lippert
Margaret Christman
Patrick Martin
Jennifer Merrill-Fuller
Jean Guarino
Barbara Kennedy
Editor’s note: Tim Lippert, Tom Martin and Jennifer Merrill-Fuller are running for Berne Town Board, Margaret Christman for supervisor, Jean Guarino for town clerk, and Barbara Kennedy for highway superintendent — all on the Democratic line.