BKW budget committee has opened my eyes: Rumors are not accurate
To the Editor:
I am writing this as a member of the budget advisory committee for the Berne-Knox-Westerlo School District. It has been an honor to be part of this unique group of people from all walks of life. The opinions and discussions have been civil and considered by all.
The committee even has two high school students, which [Superintendent] Dr. [Timothy] Mundell and the committee are always willing to listen to. Their thoughts, objectives, and ideas are always considered and many times have a different spin on the way the budget is, or can be, processed.
Dr. Mundell and his board, as well as Business Manager Stacy King, have had the daunting task of absorbing several costs added to last year’s budget after the 2018-19 budget was passed. These include the cost of the school resource officer, as well as speech-therapy costs.
Just recently, we learned of additional cost for the prescription insurance plan offered to employees, a trend that has spun out of control across the country. All of these costs, in my opinion, are necessary and decisions have been made with much thought.
With all things considered, Dr. Mundell and his staff have been scrutinizing the budget and looking for alternative and creative ideas without cutting staff of any kind. Yes, I said without cutting bus drivers, teachers, or maintenance staff.
However, in order to be creative, we should reach out and see what options are out there. Doing this does not mean that all possible solutions explored are right for us.
In the meantime, rumors are not always accurate, and only serve to make the process more difficult. Dr. Mundell is committed to adding to our programs to bring families to our district, which is gradually happening. Growing enrollment will create more tax base, which helps in sharing costs among our residents.
Having been part of this committee has opened my eyes. The administrative staff at BKW is working so hard to make this school great and living by the quote Dr. Mudell has said so many times: “They are because we are,” spoken at graduation in 2017 by Marcy Forti. It takes a community to raise a child, and we must all work together.
Amie L. Burnside
Editor’s note: See related story.