With your generous donations, we are able to help people in need
To the Editor:
We would like to thank everyone that has donated to our Hilltown Community Resource Center. As everyone knows, COVID-19 has made a huge impact on our community. With businesses closing during this time, it has put many families out of work, making it harder to pay their bills.
With your generous donations, we are able to provide families with not only food but hygiene items such as deodorant, toothpaste, toilet paper, and paper towels (if available). It is truly a blessing when people come together to help one another in a time of need.
We also want to let our community know, if they want to help, we do take monetary donations made out to HCRC (Hilltown Community Resource Center), Post Office Box 147 Westerlo, NY 12193.
We also need everyday items such as canned food, hygiene items, diapers, dish soap, laundry soap, and anything that we use on a daily basis — the simple things that we don't normally think about. Anything helps.
We also want to help anyone in need. So, if you need help, please give us a call at 518-966-7380 or, if you know someone in need, please let us know. We are here to help. We will get through this together. Again thank you.
Brenda Burke
Program Assistant
Hilltown Community
Resource Center