Lounsbury will be a champion for all of us
To the Editor:
This letter is one of support for the candidacy of Helen Marie Lounsbury. She is seeking a seat on the Berne-Knox-Westerlo School Board. The vote is May 16.
She brings to the table not only an institutional memory because of her years of experience as a BKW graduate, teacher, and board member but a desire to include all voices in the board’s decisions: students, community, as well as school staff.
She knows the territory and she wants input from all concerned. Hers are not empty catch phrases: Helen Marie Lounsbury’s word is her bond.
What the school board discusses, what it acts on, affects all of us: the children who attend BKW classes, the people who work at the school, and the entire community. She will be a champion for all of us.
I am honored to call Helen Marie Lounsbury friend and I will vote for her on Tuesday, May 16. I urge you to do the same.
Mary Jo McKeon