Enough is enough
To the Editor:
Even though “I doth protest too much,” I must ask when is enough “enough?”
I am referring to the article that was printed in The Altamont Enterprise regarding Randy Bashwinger and his family and the hardships they are enduring [“Berne highway superintendent files for bankruptcy”]. I believe this is an egregious violation of their personal and family privacy and HIPAA [Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act] and does not fall into the category of news.
Bad enough that The Enterprise published this information as news, but then it was posted on the Berne Watch Group Facebook under the guise of news so it could be further shared with everyone on Facebook.
What possible motive could Kevin Crosier and Joel Willsey have? What would prompt anyone to act to violate a family’s privacy and expose their hardship? Why would anyone want to take advantage of a difficult situation a family is facing? Would they want their own family’s privacy and personal information shared in The Enterprise and on Facebook? I highly doubt it.
I hope the residents of our community are ready to make their voices be heard because now “enough is enough.”
Anita C. Clayton
Berne Town Clerk
Editor’s note: We reported only what Mr. Bashwinger shared about his wife’s health — that she has kidney disease — as well as information on the legal actions against him and his filing for bankruptcy, all public court records.