Daytime burglary in Berne leaves room trashed, weapons and jewelry stolen
EAST BERNE — A daytime burglary at a home in East Berne may have been due to its seclusion.
The house, located on 380 Sawmill Road, was broken into sometime between noon and 2:08 p.m. on Thursday, March 23, when owners Gerald and Lisa Larghe were out of the house, said Inspector Charles Higgins of the Albany County Sheriff’s Office. Lisa Larghe called 9-1-1 at 2:10 p.m., he said.
The couple had returned home to find that their “bedroom was trashed,” as stated in the call, said Higgins. Jewelry, fire alarms, a collectible dagger, and a Marine officer’s sword had been taken.
It appears the offenders came in through the home’s side door, which was left open when the couple arrived. Senior Investigator Chris Kopec said the door had been unlocked.
Sergeant Michael Mahan and Deputy Nathaniel Bray of the sheriff’s office responded to the call.
The investigation has been turned over to criminal investigations under Kopec, who could not comment on much of the case due to it still being active.
Kopec did state that the home is in a secluded area, which often can make a home susceptible to burglaries.
Kopec noted that people going door-to-door, knocking and then giving flimsy excuses such as saying they were at the wrong house, asking for directions, or asking if they could help with some odd jobs can often be ways to canvas an area.
Neither Kopec nor Higgins said there had been similar activity in the area as of recent, and did not suspect that there is a pattern. Kopec said it was a typical burglary.