Altamont Enterprise March 27, 1925



Announcement of a $10 prize to any Albany county boy or girl (or grownup), comes from the county Farm Bureau agent, L. D. Kelsey. The prize will be paid for the best list of historical material in any farm house in the country. 

The Department of Agriculture Economics and Farm Management of the New York State College of Agriculture at Ithaca, wants material to use in writing an agricultural history of Albany county—its people, its farms, crops, prices, agricultural industries and institutions. Much of this material is now lost, or is about to be lost, in old attics and old farm houses, and can be saved. James E. Boyle, of that department, believes the boys and girls can dig up a lot of this valuable information. He wants lists of old newspapers, old books, old account books, toll books, records, old diaries, letters, etc. 

Old implements such as spinning wheels, flax wheels, hand mills for meal, farmers’ tools, silk machinery, etc., hidden away under some farm house roof or in some barn loft, should be noted on your list; in fact, include anything else that would throw light on the life and activities of our earlier settlers. 

Get busy, young folks; and send in your list by May 30th to Mr. Kelsey, Room 93, County Court House, Albany. Someone is going to get that ten dollars. 


The Altamont Girl Scout Troop have been given a beautiful silk American flag by the Naomi Sayles Tent, Daughters of Veterans, of Troy, through the kindness of Mrs. Edwin Bolton, aunt of Naomi Sturges. 


— Miss Schoolcraft, the teacher in the 4th and 5th grades, was ill on Monday, so there was no school in her department. 

— The D. and H. Company is unloading coal here by the thousands of tons, and filling the trusses to their capacity. New rails are being laid on the main tracks of the D. and H. in front of the station and it is being done so as not to interfere with traffic in the meantime. 

The public school funds apportioned to the Town of Guilderland for 1925 is $7,464.72. This will be divided among the fourteen schools of the town. 

Conger Brothers, Harold and Fred, have been assisting F. H. Blessing with firewood cutting and also assisted David Knowles with his sap evaporating business in the maple syrup and sugar manufacture for the past few weeks. 


A Girl Scout troop is being organized in the village. A meeting for that purpose will be held tonight (Friday).
FOR SALE — New milk cow with calf, $60. 7 colonies bees with hives, 13 modern hives in good condition, all for $40. Stevens single-barrel shotgun, complete, $5.00. Wood lot, about 12 acres, 75 hemlock trees, plenty young timber for stove wood, $100. Melville C. Crocker, Berne, R. D. 2, N. Y.  


An Easter supper will be held at the church hall on good Friday, April 10th. Price of supper — adults, 50 cents; children under 12 years, 25 cents. 

More Back In Time

  • $14,000 BOND ISSUE
    Forty-seven citizens were out and cast ballots at the village election in Altamont, Tuesday, and 39 voted on the proposition to issue bonds for $14,000 to improve and enlarge the water supply system for this village. 

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