Tireless crusade to address misdeeds
To the Editor:
Regarding Richard Filkins’s letter, “Like Playing Chess With a Pigeon” [The Altamont Enterprise, March 18, 2021], I would like to take a moment to voice my strong support for Joel Willsey (whom I do not know personally) and his tireless crusade to address the obvious misdeeds that have afflicted the Berne Town Board and the ongoing partisan divide in the town of Berne.
Filkins concocts an elaborate metaphor involving pigeons, chess boards, and crapping in response to Willsey’s persuasive charges regarding the tragic death of Peter Becker, but never addresses any of the issues directly, let alone with transparency. He then makes being a veteran a competitive sport, mangling the English language in the process (people “are” allowed freedom of speech, not “is”).
The fact that this letter rests opposite yet another completely lucid, well-written, and impeccably-argued letter from Willsey in your paper [“Berne’s best interests are not a priority for GOP leadership,” March 18, 2021] speaks volumes, in more ways than one.
Katherine Dieckmann