Visit the site of felled trees to see how huge Stewart’s lot will be
To the Editor:
Today, Tuesday, March 24, Stewart’s has taken down the beautiful trees between the store and 107-109 Helderberg. If you love the character and unique charm of Altamont, as expressed in the comprehensive plan that reflects the will of the people, you owe it to yourself and the village you love to visit the site and see just how huge and un-Altamont the scale of the project will be.
The zoning board of appeals has not taken a final vote on the requests for the huge variances and there is still time to contact the board as a whole through
You are also encouraged to have a discussion with the individual board members, Chairman Maurice McCormick, Kate Provencher, Tresa Matulewicz, Danny Ramirez, and Sal Tassone. Trustee Dean Whelan is the village board liaison.
How does this not change the character and unique charm of Altamont?
The removal of the trees is what is referred to as the Grand Canyon effect. If you’ve ever been to the Grand Canyon, think back on seeing it in person for the first time.
No photos or videos could ever convey the enormous scale and majesty. And while this is hardly the Grand Canyon, the loss of the trees helps convey the visual impact of just how large and inappropriate the Stewart’s project will be.
Keep in mind, Stewart's is not leaving. There will be no increase in the parking spaces; the increased lot size will make it less safe for pedestrians and children. The worst case scenario for Stewart’s is that it continues to make money on its existing footprint.
The worst case for Altamont is that we lose a large and highly visible piece of our character, charm, and architectural heritage — forever!
Harvey Vlahos