Your coronavirus updates are excellent
To the Editor:
Your virus updates are excellent!
Straightforward: This cuts through the county, state, federal website overload.
This covers the virus for small towns in the readership area that do not have the resources to report on their websites.
The Albany County executive reporting is countywide. What’s missing is local data, i.e. town by town, village by village.
Residents who are just “hunkering down” to play it safe should know where exposure has occurred to determine if they should be tested or where to avoid.
Your online reporting is excellent! For example, the story on Adam Greenberg a few days ago. Local town websites are missing the boat that town websites are an extension of town hall as reported by The Altamont Enterprise earlier this year.
In general, residents know more about what’s going on in local governments reading the AE than what many towns report online.
John Dearstyne
New Scotland